With the OAM, full access is granted to the user ID that created the object. 对于OAM,完整的访问权限被授予创建对象的用户ID。
Each SPE has full access to coherent shared memory, including the memory-mapped I/ O space. 每个SPE都可以完全访问连续的共享内存,包括内存映射的I/O空间。
The DBADM authority allows a user to perform administrative tasks on a specific database in an instance and allows full access to the data and objects in that database. DBADM权限允许用户在一个实例中的特定数据库上执行管理任务,还允许完全访问这个数据库中的数据和对象。
This allows users full access to change the GRUB configuration. 这允许用户获得修改GRUB配置的完全访问权限。
Set proper file permissions on~/ sqllib/ splog so that the DB2 fenced user has full access. 对~/sqllib/splog设置适当的文件权限,这样DB2fenced用户就可以具有对其进行操作所需的所有权限了。
Important: WebSphere Service Registry and Repository interfaces provide full access to your data, including create, delete, and update. 要点:WebSphereServiceRegistryandRepository接口可提供对您的数据的完全访问,包括创建、删除和更新。
Full access control to XML Web services, including service virtualization 完全控制对XMLWeb服务的访问,包括服务虚拟化
In the helper method above, you have full access to the record. 在上面的帮助方法中,您拥有记录的全部访问权限。
Security: Administrators require full access for their tools. 安全性:管理员需要对其工具具有完全访问权限。
Handlers have full access to the SOAP message on both the client and server side, including the header. 处理程序能充分的访问客户端和服务器端的SOAP消息,包括消息头。
To have full access to the local machine, all JAR files and resources used and loaded by the Java application must be digitally signed. 为具有对本地机的完全访问,Java应用程序所使用和装入的所有JAR文件和资源必须被数字签名。
If you use JSP tag files and JSTL, however, you have full access to the JSP code that outputs the HTML, which means you can change it and adapt it for your application any way you like. 但是,如果使用JSP标记文件和JSTL,将能够全权访问输出HTML的JSP代码,这意味着您可以根据应用程序的需要对代码进行更改和调整。
By default, the user who created the key container will have full access to the key. 默认情况下,创建密钥容器的用户将拥有对密钥的完全访问权限。
This has denied her full access to the Internet, and makes it impossible to post and maintain a web site. 这阻碍了她完全接触网络,使她不可能布置和维持一个网络。
Subscribe for a year and get full access to our global content plus this new book. 年认购并得到充分利用这本新书里加上我们的全球内容。
Assemblies have full access to all printers on the network and the ability to enumerate all printers. 程序集对网络中的所有打印机都具有完全访问权限,并能够枚举所有打印机。
For full access to all printers. 用于对所有打印机的完全访问。
Transport agents have full access to all e-mail messages that they encounter. 传输代理对其遇到的所有电子邮件都具有完全访问权限。
Click here to join us and get full access to the forum; 点击这里加入我们并且获得论坛的入口;
You cannot use the exchange management console to remove full access from a resource mailbox. 无法使用exchange管理控制台从资源邮箱中删除完全访问权限。
Sets full access for the specified registry keys. 为指定的键和值设置完全访问权限。
Sets full access for the file or directory specified by the string value. 设置对字符串值所指定的文件或目录的完全访问权限。
They must be given full access to their lawyers, who must have time to prepare their defence. 他们必须能够与律师进行充分接触,律师们也必须有充分的时间来准备辩护。
Mommy and I are going to have full access. 妈妈和我要全权监管。
And you'll have full access to our findings. 而且你会有完全的权限查看我们的调查结果。
Enter your Email address or Username to have full access to the site and interac with Franchises. 请输入你的电邮地址或用户名称以便完全使用本网站并与特许经营商联络。
As you instructed, I gave her full access to your accounts. 在你的指示下,我让她自由的挪取了户头的钱。
To use this procedure, you must have full access permissions for the mailbox that you want to open. 若要使用此步骤,您必须拥有对要打开邮箱的完全控制访问权限。
We also expect to eventually provide full access to all the power and flexibility from the underlying WCF services such as highly optimized binary serialization. 我们也希望,最终能提供对来自于底层WCF服务的所有强大功能和灵活性(比如对二进制序列化的高度优化)的完整支持。
For full access to the resource protected by the permission. 用于对受权限保护的资源进行完全访问。